Unlock Superior Joining Solutions with Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW)

Why choose RFSSW ?

Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW) technology enables the assembling of two parts using a cylindrical-shaped tool including a coaxial pin, running at constant speed into the parts to be welded. The tool “softens” materials, so they become pasty, allowing it to penetrate into the joint plane and mix materials intimately. FSSW provides precise control over critical parameters as :


  • Tool Rotation Speed: Adjustable for ideal heat generation and material flow.
  • Plunge Depth: Ensures secure bonding without compromising material integrity.
  • Dwell Time: Customizable for perfect heat generation and material mixing.


RFSSW revolutionizes the way materials are joined, offering unmatched strength and reliability without the common pitfalls of traditional welding methods. RFSSW is a Solid-State Process wich Eliminates defects like porosity and cracking, ensuring a superior bond without melting the materials. The main benefits are :

  • Versatile Material Compatibility: Perfect for joining dissimilar materials and hard-to-weld alloys like aluminum, ideal for advanced engineering applications.
  • Welding of Heterogeneous Materials
  • Enhanced Mechanical Properties with excellent strength and fatigue resistance of joints.
  • Welding Cycle of a Few Seconds

It is an emerging technology for both aerospace and automotive applications :

  • Automotive Industry: Seamlessly join aluminum sheets for lightweight, durable car bodies.
  • Aerospace: Create robust, lightweight structures with precision.


Our advanced FSSW solutions address common industry challenges :

  • Minimized Tool Wear: Designed for longevity, even when welding tough materials.
  • Thickness Flexibility : Capable of handling a range of material thicknesses.
  • Effective Heat Management : Precise control to avoid excessive softening or damage.

Elevate your manufacturing processes with the cutting-edge technology of Friction Stir Spot Welding. Whether you’re in automotive, aerospace, or electronics, our FSSW solutions provide the strength, reliability, and versatility you need.


Example of parts welded by friction
Car bodyframe welded by friction
Example of parts welded by friction


Refill friction stir spot welding head
Refill friction stir spot welding equipment

Explore our full range of advanced joining technologies :

(+33) 4 78 90 01 61
