Our commitments

ISO 9001 certified since 2019

As product quality is a major issue for TECHNAX, we have chosen ISO 9001 certification to improve our performance, meet our customers’ expectations and demonstrate our commitment to quality. The aim is to establish, maintain and continuously improve a quality management system. (SMQ). We have now been ISO 9001 certified for 6 years.

ECOVADIS certified since 2014

EcoVadis certified since 2014: EcoVadis offers a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment service. TECHNAX has chosen this certification to create a positive impact on the environment, promote transparency and stimulate innovation.


For over 10 years, CSR has been a core value at TECHNAX. This is reflected in the extra-financial challenges we face, through the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into our business activities. TECHNAX is actively committed to preserving the environment and takes its stakeholders with it:


TECHNAX has set up a number of initiatives in favor of the environment, recycling cardboard waste to supply homes with water and electricity.


Today’s roadmap leads us to the realization of large-scale, concrete actions with our partners. For example, we have set up our corporate forest in partnership with EcoTree, Europe’s leading provider of nature-based solutions and a B Corp certified company.

These trees have been planted in Montplonne, in the Grand-Est region of France, and in Ruillé, in the Pays-de-la-Loire region.

Our contribution has already enabled the planting of 50 trees in 2023 for our TECHNAX customers and employees;


Because humans cannot survive without biodiversity, it’s crucial to care about it and act accordingly. TECHNAX is committed to the defense of biodiversity and is proud to sponsor its first beehive with Pollinium in 2024.


TECHNAX is a company committed to the development of industry and metallurgy. It works with major players in the field of employment integration in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to promote local industry and its trades.


PERL organisation brings together over 360 regional industrial and industrial services companies with strong growth potential, the driving forces behind France’s 1st industrial region.

TECHNAX is proud to be part of PERL organisation and to contribute to the development of industry and metallurgy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region!


The new Charte des 1000 entreprises for integration and employment is the sign of a shared determination to mobilize businesses in the service of a more inclusive region. Any company, in any sector, of any size, can make a commitment to developing actions to help the most vulnerable people into employment.

Our business partners

Our story :